
Affichage des articles du 2017

Blow Out en anglais

LE FILM EN 5 IMAGES Par les TCTRM de M Guillen     1 RECORDING NEWS SENATOR RYAN TV WORK On this picture, i can see jack working on soundtracks whereas on the TV, the journalist presents the news about Senator Ryan. . THOMAS 2. ACCIDENT                                                                                    CRIME                                                                                        NIGHT BLOWOUT (TYRE)                                                       SOUND ENGINEER The accident of the movie . The scene is happening at night . The crime of Ryan . Jack does his job . He is a sound engineer . The scene of the blowout BENOIT 3. CRIME IMPOSTURE SUSPENCE LIE SERIAL KILLER This scene is at the end of the film when the killer pretends to be the journalisation who asked Jack and Sally to show him the video tapes produced by Jack. MARIUS  4. FEAR SCREAM DEATH AMERICAN FLAG MURDER   Sally is screaming because she